Andréa Bernholtz: A Self learned Entrepreneur who Interpolate the Swimwear Solution

The entrepreneurial journey is different for everyone. Some people have a clear vision from the beginning, while others have to figure it out as they go. There are many ups and downs, and the journey is never linear. There are many factors that can influence an entrepreneur’s journey. These include the entrepreneur’s personality, the industry they’re in, the size of their company, and the amount of experience they have.

No matter what path you take, there are certain things that all entrepreneurs should keep in mind. These include the importance of hard work, determination, and perseverance. The most important thing is to keep going, even when it feels like everything is against you. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but if you persevere, the rewards will be worth it.

A Self Learned Entrepreneur

There is a lot of pressure on young people to go to college and get a degree. But what if you want to be an entrepreneur? Is college the best option for you? The answer is that it depends. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have the right skills and knowledge. And you can get that from both college and from learning on your own as Andréa Bernholtz did.

Andréa Bernholtz’s education was truly hands-on being an entrepreneur. Andréa Bernholtz is the former founder of Rock & Republic and current CEO of SWIMINISTA, an eco-conscious swimwear line designed for flawless fit and comfort. She had started a few small companies before founding big success with Rock & Republic. She started “Rock” from her garage and ultimately sold for over 100 million dollars.

She started delivering Swiminista on the cusp of the big Covid shutdown and made it through as she feels it really fills a void in the market. Swiminista was born from her love of fashion and the need for swimwear that finally fit right.

She says, “The journey to find a bathing suit that fit in all the right places, made me feel confident whilst still being chic. I couldn’t find anything on the market so I started creating my own from shapewear and blended that into swimwear.”

First ever to provide Swimwear solutions

Swiminista is the world’s first problem solving swimwear brand, everyone has a problem with their swimwear but Swiminista has the solutions. Eco friendly is very important to them, even when it comes to the packaging.

Andréa asserts, “Our Swimsuits are adjustable, and nothing ties behind the neck, which was one of the major complaints I have heard from women. We mixed shapewear with swimwear to create great fitting and comfortable swimsuits, we also provide online zoom consultations with our customer service manager, to ensure a personalized E-commerce experience. We also have a wonderful collaboration with French designer the House of Christian Lacroix, as well as Australian artist James Peter Henry. Swiminista is partnering with other artists as well, which gives us a unique edge in the marketplace.”

Swiminista is expanding into men’s wear and boys wear after the success with their girls collection. They are also expanding into resort wear for women.

Future Goals and Vision for the Company

The formulation of a strategic vision and the setting of goals are perhaps the most important aspects of strategic management. A company that does not have a clear vision is likely to flounder and fail, whereas a company that has a clear vision and achievable goals is more likely to succeed.

The formulation of a strategic vision should not be taken lightly – it requires careful thought and consideration. The vision should be ambitious yet achievable, and it should be something that will inspire and motivate employees. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound and should also be aligned with the company’s vision.

Employees at Swiminista are personally fans of the brand and therefore truly believe in its mission. Andréa also listens to her team, and gives them a voice, which in turn allows them to have personal pride in the Company’s mission and products.

Swiminista is planning to grow into all swim categories and expand on a global level. In the next few years we may see a stronger team globally as well as more artists and designer collaborations as their goal is to be featured  in as many high end resorts worldwide.

Challenges and Barriers

There are countless barriers that businesses face every day. It can be hard to identify which ones are having the biggest impact on your business. The constantly changing landscape of business can be hard to keep up with, and oftentimes it can feel like you’re just trying to keep your head above water. As for Swiminista, The only barriers are buyers that are not willing to try something new.

Andréa believes that, “Starting anything new and forging your way in a new market place is always risky, however I knew there was a strong need for the overlooked Gen x generation.”

“Swimwear is the fastest growing category in fashion, so creating a strong foothold above everyone else is our goal. Swiminista is made with eco-friendly materials and is made with exceptional quality, from design to production, which of course gives us a big advantage in the market.” she says

Swiminista truly stands behind its products and empower women, it features all shapes, sizes, ages and races. They highlight a strong woman every month they call their Entrepinists.

A Great Leader

Andréa says, “A modern approach to leadership in my experience is to be real and give your team a voice. Letting your team execute your vision but also let them help in the decision making process from implementing office procedures to creative visions as well.”

She further expresses, “I do not ask anyone to do anything I would not or have not done myself, I work non stop no matter where I am in the world, I listen to the team and I am open to ideas from then as well, I will also try out new systems or visions. I try to take everything in from praise to criticism.”

“I have done study groups with 100s of women, I am constantly doing trunk shows and Designer meet and greets, I get to listen first hand to womens wants and needs, so we are constantly creating and developing new styles. We offer amazing customer service, we offer personalized zoom consultation, we work very hard to satisfy our customers, they are everything to us.”

Piece of Advice

Be open to change, take a beat before responding to everything from a crisis to a win. Be a good example to your team, work hard, and love what you do. Surround yourself with the right people, and always try to be positive no matter what gets thrown your way. Remember the high road might be lonely sometimes but always take it, no matter how hard it is.

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