Education has always been a priority where Dr. Mehta comes from. He pursued engineering in electronics for his bachelor’s degree followed by a PhD in biomedical engineering from the esteemed Indian Institute of Technology. This kickstarted his professional work life, as a trainee engineer at Godrej and then as the chief biomedical engineer at the very respected Jaslok Hospital & Research Center in Mumbai.
From there on, he found himself an opportunity to come to the United States and decided to pursue it. He worked as a senior consultant at Software International, Edison, NJ at various companies like Boeing, M&M Mars, implementing PeopleSoft HRMS and financial systems. He also developed the Y2K bug fix for AVL Scientific. He was involved in the implementation and upgradation of PeopleSoft applications for clients like Sears, SPX Corporation, Unisys, Chesapeake Hospital, American Axle & Manufacturing, and many others.
Meanwhile, Dr. Mehta decided on parallelly starting the company that he still manages today, MetaSense Inc. He chose to keep his job and simultaneously work on starting his own business.
He started working full time as a senior software engineer at Philips Medical Systems and pursued an MBA from University of Massachusetts at Amherst that helped him round up his skills from core sciences to business administration and networking. This gave him tremendous knowledge of how to develop his own business. This job gave him a direct insight into the workings of digital marketing.
He was now decidedly focused on MetaSense Inc. Staffing after gathering enough capital and knowledge.
Dr. Mehta holds a certificate from the Wharton Business School in the “Effective Corporate Boards for Mid-Market Companies Program” and is a graduate of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program.
MetaSense Inc.: Bridging the Gap Between IT and Healthcare Staffing in a Post-Modern World
MetaSense Inc. was established in the spring of 1999. Dr. Mehta at the time was a married man with a wife in medical school and a young kid. He always wanted to start his own business, he finally felt he just waited long enough to collect all his essential resources in a new country before taking the plunge and starting it finally.
“As anyone from my culture mostly, God and my family was and is my biggest inspiration behind doing anything that I do”, says Dr. Mehta.
MetaSense Inc. is an IT and Healthcare Staffing company. In 2023, MetaSense Inc achieved notable recognition, ranking 7th in the Soaring 76 by the Philadelphia Business Journal (a two-time winner), 13th in the Philly100 (a three-time winner), and 2085th in the Inc5000 by Inc Magazine (a five-time winner). MetaSense Inc also holds a US patent, with (Patent # 20220292160) to their name. The post-modern society has brought with it unique challenges of inflation, lack of job security, a rigorous and strict method of presenting yourself in front of the employer, the hiring team’s inefficiency to correctly gauge talent and ultimately how it costs the candidate and the employer loss of valuable time, money, and talent.
MetaSense Inc. steps in as a transit service that carries the candidate and guides them to the employer that best fits the needs of both parties. Healthcare is their topmost focus since nurses tend to have quite a few requirements to get in, their attrition rate tends to be high due to the nature of the job and then the way our healthcare system is, good pay is not always provided by all employers. They fulfill the needs of their candidates and get the best possible offer. Their team of experts begin from helping these candidates with resumes, fixing errors, and making it more presentable, helping them prepare for the interview, negotiate their pay on their behalf and handling all administrative tasks that go into onboarding a new employee in their respective workplaces.
Dr. Mehta believes their USP is that their focus has been on creating meaningful relationships with their candidates that almost always makes sure that they stick with them in the long run for more profitable jobs. For example, they focused on creating a good relationship with a candidate and found them a job they really liked at first. They completed their contract and decided to not continue and at that point, one of their team members was already in touch with them to work on their next endeavor to help them find the best possible job that fits their needs. They give their candidates a sense of confidence that they really do try their best to get them a job and that significantly reduces the amount of mental load of constantly looking for jobs in today’s market.
Additionally, Dr. Mehta also owns and runs MetaSense Digital Marketing Management, Inc., a company that helps clients with their web traffic, online presence, and help with their sales. They have a patented technology, iMetaDex that guides organic SEO traffic using keywords and geo markers.
What’s New in the Company Queue
Progress might as well be made in silence. Dr. Mehta suggests people to keep a check on his website, to know if something new is coming.
“We are a service-based industry, so we are constantly evolving with our process. How we find our candidates, how the candidates find us, how the interaction follows, how we talk to our clients”, says Dr. Mehta.
Currently they are streamlining the process of how their vendors send them their requirements to make it more organized for our team to work on.
Strategic Vision for the Company
While asked about his strategic vision for his company, Dr. Mehta replied,
“To put it quite simply, I have envisioned MetaSense Inc. growing to be a unicorn company.”
He and his team have worked very hard, making MetaSense Inc. a mid-sized firm from a small one-person company. They make sure to celebrate their wins intra company. They regularly organize lunch and learn meetings where Dr. Mehta likes to bring in inspirational speakers. Ultimately, the company as one is working towards one goal: UNICORN!
Insight on Industry’s Biggest Challenges
Dr. Mehta believes that recession is one of the biggest industry challenges now. The environment is such, there are layoffs all over the country. A certain level of uncertainty has gripped job holders and businesses alike. It will impact business heavily if clients go into hiring freezes.
Dr. Mehta feels that generation Z is another challenge for industry. It is a different breed. Nothing like its precedents. Their priorities are different and so are their aspirations. It is important that we provide job solutions that target this audience that is starting to enter the workforce. AI driven data, ample tech support, digitizing every process, looking for short term gigs etc. are some of the key characteristics of this generation.
Dr. Mehta describes another big problem, but quite timeless in that sense, bridging the skills gap. With the way the market is, every company gets its hands on a fair share of unqualified and/or underqualified candidates. It is important for a brand to supply candidates that are well qualified but to also owe it to the candidates to guide them perfectly in what they need to do to qualify for the desired job.
Goals Ahead for MetaSense Inc.
Dr. Mehta states that the total market share for the staffing industry in 2022 was 21.5 billion dollars! Their goal is to target more healthcare institutions to be able to cater to them. They have candidates from all over the United States who especially love to travel on job, it will make them happier when they can afford to open business in states that they would like to practice in.
Therefore, they aim to get licenses to conduct business in states that they don’t currently practice in. They believe they will focus a lot more on finding clients that will help them make it worthwhile buying these licenses. Dr. Mehta believes that there are no major barriers in the way except that there are massive layoffs in anticipation of a recession, and they are ready to tackle this with effective management and industry experience.
Unity is Strength
Dr. Mehta asserts that he is a firm believer in playing on strengths. He and his team focus on bringing together like-minded people that each focus on their own strength and interest. Their top three ingredients are unity, harmony, and oneness. This has helped them avoid the most cynical of problems like intrinsic motivation and tardy work ideas that lack passion and enabled a sense of confidence in them to be out there. Dr. Mehta explains this by saying,
“We network like there’s no tomorrow and we keep opening more doors that bring us more business. You prosper, we prosper must be a powerful mantra that helps us grow.”
A Leader’s way with Empathy and Vulnerability
Dr. Mehta says a good leader is one who adapts to any type of environment, culture, and crises. He believes in a pacesetting leadership with quite a bit of a coaching approach. He has big dreams that he translates for his team into big goals. He makes sure that he is involved in his team’s day to day to understand their work from the ground up. He assists them in seeing what he sees in them and their pivotal role in their business. This involves personal anecdotes from his own life, lessons learnt in relevant situations, and being open to listening to the experiences of others while making decisions. He recommends everyone to keep GOD in front of them and have him as a “doer”. As Dr. Mehta always says, “Things move forward with the power of spirituality and inner peace”.
Key to Workplace Motivation and Productivity
Dr. Mehta believed that motivation is a very important but tricky part of having to perform on the job. He says he tries to stay in loop if his team is going through major changes in their personal life. This helps him decide if and when an intervention is needed. Low productivity translates badly in numbers and reputation in their business. He will let it be for a while before introducing smaller-more achievable and measurable tasks to keep track of productivity and help the team feel motivated that they are moving forward.
Dr. Mehta says he doesn’t necessarily expect everyone to like him, certainly. When there are disagreements, it matters how their suggestion is being considered. He believes decision making as a whole process is very democratic, but a final decision should be made by one person only as it helps in backtracking and taking responsibility for certain decisions and activities.
Adaptive Approach with Client Feedback
Dr. Mehta says that they have changed their strategy in how the client responds to them. It begins the moment they establish their relationship with the client until their services are delivered and after. Each client of theirs demands a different strategy from their end and they strive to go above and beyond expectations.
Advice to Aspiring Young People
“Three Mantras: 1. Unity, 2. Harmony, and 3. Oneness. If you nail these three things down, success is bound to follow”, is Dr. Mehta’s advice to aspiring young people.