Time Iconic

About Us

Time Iconic is an emerging Magazine Company with the mission to depict not only achievements of companies and entrepreneurs but also to shed light on the struggling period of these ventures. Doing so, we hope to inspire thousands of businesses and personnel around the world.


to establish a strong worldwide media brand that has a global influence and inspires the business community.


The ambition to alter the world is the foundation of the best businesses. Our mission is to support the ideas of business owners and executives whose plans, no matter how big or little, will create a better, more promising future for society.

Our total audience base includes Print Magazine, Newsletter and e-magazine service. We are striving to escalate our digital presence, which will surely help you to reach numerous audiences. These verified subscribers are from Industries like Information Technology, Finance, Retail, Manufacturing, Automotive, Energy and Utility etc. Also, on the completion of the project, you will be featured in numerous advertising campaigns to be deployed on various social platforms.

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